I feel fine today! save for my thighs and stomach walls. Those Lunges and Squats are evil i tell you! the worst is walking up and down the stairs.... (why me?!)
Having not worked out in a while, my body thought it hit ZERO!!!! but that was only during the work out.. with words like ''Dont Quit'' and ''You Can Do It" coming Out of my trainer's mouth, i had to squeeze out what i thought i did not have inside of me. I was fighting back thoughts like "what am i really doing this for?", "i have to stop", "i cant breathe" ... "im gonna throw Up".. The Truth is, my body felt every bit of that emotion to the tee.. but i pushed on.... and to my SURPRISE, when it was all over, we warmed down and i could not believe i just went through an hour of intense torture!!! #omg
So yesterday, the 3rd of July, i finally decided to start my Boot Camp with Live Fit, Health and Fitness!! i must say the vision was blurry but now i truly know a FIT life is a HEALTHY life and we all need it! I am not doing this for weight-loss because earth knows i would die from lack of flesh if i attempted weight-loss at this point. I am doing this strictly for FITNESS.. i have a 9-5 desk job which means i ...well, am behind a computer typing away and the only exercise i get would be getting up and down the stairs (which is okay i guess but not enough for the kind of energy levels i want to build up.I get home, literally Black Out and waking up the next morning feels like a violation of some kind of human right!! #RightToSleepLonger!!
So anyway, decided working out regularly will help with alot of my energy levels, metabolism and most of all, any body changes i will go through in the future. I have to do this!! plus, have you seen Angela Simmons lately??? why wouldnt anyone want to be fit?! im just saying!!
So yesterdays workout consisted of Lunges and Squats and Sprints and Jogs and Situps and Pushups and ...... a whole bunch of stuff i thought i could not do!!! at the end of it all.. The warm down was the most important to avoid the pain.. i cant say the pain is totally avoided... it helps but i am assured that as time goes by, i will be okay with minimal pain! Im amped!
Apart from the physical workout itself, my diet has to change..... I already have a pretty awesome diet with a few binges here and there but that needs to go so yeah.... but i kid you not, starving yourself will be the biggest mistake you make!!!! Eat Healthy, that's the plan! So here is to Living Fit, Staying Healthy and Looking Gorgeous!!!
WHAT I WORE: Not expecting anything, all black was actually perfect because most of the exercises were ground based- the whole jumping and jogging.. the white shirt was a by-the-way but perfect for the chilly evening weather especially because we were outdoors.
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Get a personal trainer! Join a Gym! Start Boot Camp! Exercise! Better your life!!
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That peace sign in no way means i had a good time!! lol.... |
Check out my trainers Facebook page and get encouraged >> #LiveFit >> follow link below;
Follow Him on twitter: @TheRealMuz
instagram @TheRealMuz
eehemm does the trainer keep that smile during the session? heehee..will check his page. Thanks for sharing
ReplyDeleteuhmmmmm... YES!!!!!! that very evil grin! and yes checkout his page, awesum transformations! thankx for reading