As usual, BURPEES were the order of this day!! Sprints and the dreaded frog jumps which I surprising managed to do better than last time, actually better than any other time. Well, my training buddy, Tot, was keen on helping me do these frog jumps right so much that he did an extra four rounds with me - awwww, the beauty of friendship at Boot camp. Nope, not trying to cox you into joining boot camp with Live Fit, but to be honest, the one benefit, amongst the many would definitely have to be the "Team work".. Pushing each other and helping each other go forward is the best feeling, especially for beginners, it is so helpful. You slowly become a unit - A Family!!
This session was larger than our usual group, we had new members join the group, each with different goals, and we invited Miss Lulu Haangala too. Seriously, Lulu lied! this lady claims she has never worked out but you should have seen her on that field, warming up like a pro.. burpees like a pro.. of course by the time we got to walking lunges, everyone was about tired as it was their first time and my trainer made sure I did not give up with the first timers... Oh Goush, the pressure!! By the time I got to frog jumps, every one was done with their warm down and I was left trying to reach a personal best!! Needless to say the pain after was not easy to deal with, I was super exhausted and in serious need of a back massage.
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L-R: Tot, Me, Lulu |
The thing about exercise in general is that much as we hate to push our body, or yourself, exercise is great for you. For me, the strength levels and endurance levels i have gained since the first day - tremendous! To be honest, sometimes i feel fatter and lazier than the previous day but i guess the self criticism is good for me, i am my biggest critic, my biggest hindrance and that's why i am dealing with Self first.
Its a life style Now!! Its the path I have chosen! That doesn't mean the next session wont be painful and I wont feel like quitting and throwing up and probably hating my trainer - I will.. but I CHOOSE this and the bigger picture is that its good for ME!!!! its all me!! #LeHugeSigh.................Why me? *laments in secret*
Lulu and I after the hardcore session - she's looking fit already after day 1, lol.
Do not ever be deceived by the huge smiles I get in pictures - I am sore.. very sore! but that should'nt discourage you - *tries to bend - Ouch*
See you at the Next session! #GetFitCampaign #TeamLiveFit
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