Tuesday 15 October 2013



Deciding to live a healthy lifestyle goes beyond looks for me, I mean, its a very good motivator but what are good looks without substance?? Wait..... REWIND... Looking Good is an AWESOME motivator!! But that's not what its all about. we are all such unique individuals and just like our looks, what drives us also differs..

I tell you this, your confidence has everything to do with what you look like today - if you are happy (whatever size) confidence will reflect and if not (whatever size again) the lack thereof will reflect as well.. (but that's another blog post)

Here is MY List (in no particular order) of My Motivations for this healthy lifestyle I have embarked on, (and if looks happen to top the list, Dont judge!!lol)


I would (in all honesty) much rather be at 4.. however, I dont know if my genes will take me that far so I will settle for 3 .. (with the facial expression of 2!lol )

We all need to remember though, that the SCALE really does not have the final say if your goal is fat-loss.. I say this because during your workout, you WILL gain muscle and lose fat but its not a guarantee that you will weigh a lot less.. muscle is more dense than fat (it takes up less space) so think of it this way, you lose the fat (and look great outward) and gain muscle which is awesome because it speeds up your metabolism (rate at which you burn calories) and build curves. I find that many people on a weight-loss program would rather worship the scale than concentrate on the actual weight being lost and evidenced through the mirror and the loose fitting clothes.
Fat Versus Muscle

As a kid, I was much (much much) heavier than I am today, but I guess I cant dwell much on that because most of my adult life, I really have been this size that I am today.. I am at a comfortable size and weight which only bothers me when clothes I really want donot fit - either too small or too big.. this has forced me to either belt everything at the waist or shop at the kiddies in some extreme cases (which I must say has the cutest Tees).. Dont get me wrong, I am no-where near numero Uno (#1) in the picture above and I donot secretely have desires to get there.


  This is a Lifestyle, not a diet or a Phase! "LIFESTYLE" Period!!


If it is up for grabs, Il take it ALL.. from the New Energy Levels, the Great Abs, Strength to Endurance.
Physical fitness is generally achieved through correct nutrition (which I am constantly improving at), exercise ( join boot camp, a gym or work out with a friend for motivation), hygiene (true story) and rest ( yes, leisure, human relaxation and much needed sleep - such a constant battle for me but its the most important and I know this).
I am much leaner than when I started my journey obviously because I have seriously put in a lot of work - is it starting to show yet? I mean, it has been more than 12weeks, it better show!!! 


Where do I start? the benefits of regular exercise are endless:-
  • Strengthen your bones and muscles - True story!
  • Improve your mental health and mood - Exercise is the single best thing you can do for your brain in terms of mood, memory, and learning, this is proven by medical practitioners too... I kid you not! something about a hormone. hehe
  • Improve your ability to do daily activities- I honestly have more endurance now and I am praying to get better every week.
  • Increase your chances of living longer - and then a genius tells me I might die by a speeding car which totally has nothing to do with health... but maybe if I am fit, I might see it coming my way and run a little faster off of the road than I would have 12weeks ago! just maybe!
Bottom Line for me is that I want to be able to still work hard and still have a lot of energy left over. I want to be healthy enough to see my kids and theirs, I guess the longevity of life has very little to do with me being able to control that - but it would sure be nice to be able to carry that cross with my new found energy levels and mental health.

Be the Change you want to see right!! Start Now!

As usual, check out our trainer:

#TeamLiveFit >> follow link below;


Twitter: @TheRealMuz
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